Who WE Are/What WE Know

Who WE Are

We’re ‘woke’, alright. To what’s really going on in our country: Sedition, Treason, and corruption at every level; hypocrisy; an amoral MSM; existential threats, and empty words such as ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ and ‘social justice’ and ‘climate change’. America has been diverse since its founding Revolution, with Native Americans, blacks, and multiple nationalities participating. We’re woke to the constant whining and stamping of feet by snowflakes, and to the pointing-of-fingers and excuse-making of government officials who never got past adolescence.

We’re tired of constantly being on the defensive.

WE Are REAL Americans:


We Know

  • That Communism was tried by the Pilgrims, who were almost wiped out by it, and had to resort to cannibalism to survive.  The Ivy League Universities were founded by Christians and had Christian charters
  • That we do not have a permanent upper class, that most Americans move up and down the economic status ladder in their lifetimes.
  • That more gun ownership increases safety (see Kennesaw, Georgia law stating EVERY able citizen must carry a gun!)
  • That they will never get our guns. Molon labe!
  • That no one has a right not to be insulted

Our Most-Wanted List

They embody terminal naiveté, unchecked narcissism, and bottomless venality at best. At worst, they are seditionists and traitors: