OUR Business – Transcript

Again, people the list here is not all inclusive. It is meant to frame our discussions that should be open, honest and fair. Our business starts, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this site with election integrity and prosecuting, exposing and prosecuting election fraud. So voter ID is critical restricted mail in voting one day or elections, paper ballots, it said on Telegram, probably elsewhere, let’s vote Amish no technology, simple, straightforward, at the very lowest resync levels, count them by hand, elect them verify cross reference with clean lists of voters in each dish, all voting machines and components if they are used, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that they could be used, but the components in the machine should be made in America. As of right now, most of the machines and parts coming from wait for it China. Yeah, that’s great Muslim Brotherhood must be designated as a terrorist organization. This has been bandied about back and forth. They’re a terrorist organization. They sugarcoated wear nice suits, they say nice things to terrorists, period consult, understanding the threat go on to all those outfit and you’ll be up to speed on the Muslim Brotherhood, our business things we can do should do. And admittedly, with the current Congress, that’s probably 90 95% or up, bought and paid for. But these are items that we should be talking about when we get America first majorities in both houses of Congress. How about I work for you badge that every public employee government employee has to wear lapel, around the neck, whatever signs on desks, just to remind the millions of government employees that they do, in fact, work for we, the people no flag other than the stars and stripes should fly atop embassies and all federal buildings unless another flag is authorized by two thirds vote in both houses of Congress. You know, we don’t need these small minorities that leftists love to promote putting their flags on government building those few items I just ticked off the things that can be done virtually immediately interim objectives for our business about a Latter Day nap commission to root out corruption at the highest levels of government. I’m old enough to recall the nap commission when New York City was the police department was just absolutely corrupt with drug money and it took a completely independent commission to clean that mess up and reduce it significantly. He’s probably still going on to some degree but we need something like that at the national level in the penalties should be severe enough to keep people away from committing crimes against the interim objective, close the borders and identify illegals including those who have overstayed their visas, see numbers 20 million illegals. 30 million illegals somebody told me was 40 50 million illegals in this country and wouldn’t be shocked at all we need to know who they are and where they are, and have an honest debate about what policies should be enforced with regard to treating them. Obviously, a lot of them have been here for 1015, maybe 20 years a generation Americans will deal with these illegals fairly. But this discussion can only take place after we really know how many are illegal and where they are. And then we can discuss things and ways of treating the illegal alien population another interim item, agenda item on our business English as the official language of America. What are we going to do when there’s another? I mean, we have Spanish, I don’t know how many millions and 10s of millions we spend on dual language signs, interpreters of Spanish and what are we going to do if all of a sudden there’s 15% of the population? As Hispanics are now approximately? What are we going to do when if and when Germans are 50%? We’re gonna have German as another language in this country. It’s insanity. Okay, it’s building our own tower of Babel. English is our language every immigrant, the first couple 100 years of this country learned English and they knew they had to learn English if they really wanted to read all of the benefits of being an American. All pharmaceuticals should be manufactured in the USA. Hey, right now, folks, China makes a lot of our medications. A lot of them another interim item. On our agenda. No law shall exceed the pages and words that we use for our constitution mentioned before in the about video on this site, but that very concise document is establish our societal organization for two and a half centuries, and it’s worked pretty well. Any laws that exceed these ages and words is rife with fraud, hiding, stealing backroom deals, on and on and on a related item, no member item shall be permitted in a laws draft so that a straight up or down vote can be taken strictly on the laws merits. This is how the budget hemorrhages because everybody has to be bought off in order to support the main idea of the legislation gotta stop, here’s an item delete all metadata on Americans who are not under legitimate suspicion of a crime. Every American has got all of their emails, text messages, phone conversation, everything is stored somewhere by the government. And this goes along with I guess it was Ballard who said show me the man and I’ll show you the crime. Anybody could be investigated. Anybody could have something trumped up about their past something they said or did and blow it up into a crime such as conspiracy or treason, breaking one of the 1000s of pages of laws that we have on the books that data wiped clean and should be verified by independent, reputable technical people. I mentioned the FairTax in the above video, folks, we got to switch to a consumption tax. If you haven’t looked into it, you will be amazed at how ingenious the consumption tax is. Everybody will end up paying taxes that way only if they buy new products used cars, homes, any other products, you buy us, there’s no tag but our entire budget that exists today can be funded by a single federal consumption tax, federal sales tax, all of the taxes are eliminated at the national level, including business tax, it’s ingenious, and that’s why it’s being it’s not being promoted and it’s being actually prevented from being spread because it is that good. It delivers an M O A B to the crux inside the belt way another interim item on our business educational curricula must stress our Constitution and founding from Middle School on should be a required course at every level with increasing depth and breadth as the levels go up. We must stop money or abortion our treasury our public dollars should not pay for the taking of life inside the rules has been bandied about also everybody’s Oh no, we’re not using public money. It just always seeps into creeps into our budgets one way or another front door, back door side door, our money being used to fund abortion along with the deleting the public’s metadata, we have to break up big data. I mean, Bell Telephone had a humongous monopoly. But 50 years ago, they were broken up into baby bells. If if tech companies are not going to act responsibly free speech, free exchange of ideas, if they’re not going to do that they must be broken up or they must be prosecuted in some manner. These big tech companies they could do what they want in this country as long as they don’t stop other points of view from being voiced and spread along with the First Amendment is the Second Amendment. There should be a universal concealed carry law. All of these states have different restrictions, different levels of freedom when it comes to defending yourself and your family. There must be a single standard that if a person is cleared background check fingerprints, everything comes up fine. There’s no reason why that person shouldn’t be able to travel between states anywhere and be able to be legally carrying designer. It should be a citizen commission to review all broadcast license holders similar to this nap commission idea a lot of the nap commission idea i posited a couple of minutes ago broadcast companies are using public airwaves, our airwaves and they should be using it using those airways responsibly and if they are not their licenses should be revoked long term. Our business includes impeachment of judges, including those who sit on the Supreme Court, the judges, both of the Supreme Court and an inferior courts shall hold their offices during good behavior, our Constitution. Article Three section three right here are found this specifically opposed lifetime appointments which the British system at they misbehave, they’re incompetent, they’re anti constitution, anti We the People, they must be removed. Now the long term goal term limits our founding fathers. It was inconceivable to them that any American would want a lifetime appointment in Congress. They’re human. They’re fallible. Obviously they didn’t understand what would happen hundreds of years later, but people get elected they get immediate benefit. They serve one term get a pension they But they vote for their own raises, they have separate benefits than what we the people have in terms of health care coverage, coverage, and so forth. This has to end the concept that the founders had was that citizen legislature, legislators would pass the laws, proposed the laws and leave after a reasonable amount of time and let other people new blood new ideas come into Congress, we have to have that term limit top to bottom. Now, the long term goal, repeal the 17th Amendment, which will return the appointment of senators to the states and the state governments not by popular vote in that way, states rights will be strengthened. And the whole idea of our Republic is that the states will be a check on centralized government power senators should be appointed by the states go down to Washington, and then the states can make the decisions of recalling them or appointing somebody else. And the last item in terms of long term, forget about this article five convention talked about all the time, gaining a little bit of momentum here and there. But the point is people if our current constitution isn’t being honored, why why would a revised one day I believe, though that article five convention movement is very well intentioned, I believe it’s a fool’s errand. Do your own research. Connect your own dots as Linwood says and make your own decision?