Who THEY Are


  • They stand down instead of coming to the aid of Americans, including an Ambassador, who are screaming for help.
  • They bow to foreign kings.
  • They seek Constitutional change via fiat and cultural pressure rather than by the Amendment process as provided by our Founders.

The only thing they have run in their entire lives are their mouths, as Mark Levin said. The only things they build are monuments to themselves. They’re parasites without portfolio, PWPs, or PPs for short.

  • Victims instead of Vanquishers
  • Dependents instead of Independents
  • Losers—because they refuse to compete and earn what they get
  • They give themselves awards—such as a Nobel Prize—instead of meriting them.
  • They give themselves book contracts and no-show jobs
  • They have us fund their enterprises, such as radio and TV networks, because those enterprises can’t survive on their own, and fund their fantasies like solar and wind power
  • They are swept up in a mass psychosis
  • They are ‘triggered’ by quintessential American traits, such as blunt conversation about an opposing view.
  • They believe in ‘safe spaces’, totally ignoring that America is the safest place in all the world
  • They try to legislate equal outcomes instead of appreciating equal opportunity
  • They believe in handouts instead of a hand-up.
  • They believe in fascism and communism. Their bible is Rules for Radicals, which is dedicated to Lucifer and advises, among other ‘resistance’ tactics, to make enemies think they are more numerous than they really are. To wit, only 20% of Americans identify as far left, as opposed to the 40% who identify as conservative, but the far left and its media and entertainment and educational conspirators would have us think the overwhelming majority subscribes to their anti-American positions. They employ violence as a means to their ends, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter do.
  • They stifle free speech and free assembly.
  • They refuse to debate issues on their merit.
  • America-haters
  • Leftists and Anarchists
  • Truth-deniers
  • Cowards
  • Hypocrites:

    Their paltry contributions to charitable causes is prima facie proof of their anti-American posture and just one example of their rampant hypocrisy: https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/harvard-not-paying-all-workers-during-coronavirus-shutdown-despite-40-9b-endowment/

Those who believe privilege is:

  • Wearing $200 sneakers while never having a job
  • Wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on Public Assistance
  • Having a smart phone with a data plan and never getting a bill for it
  • Living in Public Housing and never paying for water, energy, or property taxes
  • Marching and protesting against anything that triggers you
  • Having as many children as you want regardless of employment status, and sending them off to daycare you don’t pay for
  • Rioting and looting without consequence