About OUR Voice – Video Notes

Thank you for finding your way to The Voice of We the People. I’m Bruce Scali. Over the past 15 years I’ve been actively monitoring Government corruption and insanity, and the attendant cultural madness, that has been constantly intensifying, and accelerating now at a geometric rate. For many-a-month I’ve been wracking my brain about what I could do, other than throwing a few bucks to Patriots on the front lines from time to time, because I could never face my children and grandchildren if I sat out during these crucial, pivotal times in America’s history.

I do not presume to speak for everyone in the America-first movement, but I can assure you that the statements, facts, and efforts put forth by the scores of Patriots referenced at this site speak for all of US. Taken as a whole, they are indeed Our Voice, the People’s State of the Union, if you will. In my heart of hearts, I know there are 100 million REAL Americans out there who get it: WE have been ripped off and spat in Our faces, and that continues every hour of every day. And I know WE outnumber OUR enemies by at least 10 to 1.

I’m not naïve. I’m well-aware that the woke crowd and latter day Brownshirts are gaslighted by the term ‘real Americans’ and will go into attack mode as they’ve been brainwashed to do by their Leftist/Globalist masters. The ‘woke’ and assorted snowflakes are hereby forewarned: In-your-face is as American as it gets, as King George III learned in 1776. And in-your-face is what is served up here. It’s an indictment of Our current Government.

Elected officials, and non-elected bureaucracies, are guilty of gross incompetence at best, or, worse, malfeasance, or, worst of all, sedition or treason. My estimate is that at least 80% of Congress is compromised. Democrats are closet leftists, and Republicans give lip service to conservative principles but are snakes-in-the-grass behind closed doors. So We the People intend to do something like what the judge in the Capone trial did—he switched juries at the last minute, WE will swap out the current Congress for men and women who truly represent Our interests.

That’s why the line from Our Declaration of Independence was included in this site’s masthead. George III got that message, and those who think they are calling the shots now will soon get that power resides with We the People.

Sedition and treason are at the core of where we are today, and OUR true leaders, such as General McInerny, Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and John Guandolo at UTT—Understanding the Threat—make that a point regularly. A whole lot more—from top to bottom—should be echoing their words. I don’t give a rat’s ass about what your political affiliation is. All that matters is whether you stand up for Our Constitution and put America first.

Allow me to make another point before I expand upon what this site is about.

It’s terrific that every day, honorable Patriots are uncovering new lies, corruption, and hypocrisy in the “elite” class. I am humbled by what James O’Keefe is doing at Project Veritas, by what Tom Fitton and Jay Sekulow do in court—I’m in awe that Jay can face the Supreme Court knowing how corrupt the DOJ is from top to bottom—and by investigative journalist John Solomon and a host of others too numerous to mention here. They’re featured elsewhere on this site.

With all due respect to their ongoing and necessary efforts, WE the People know there’s already enough proof to prosecute thousands for criminal conspiracy, sedition, and treason. What WE want now are arrests, trials, and sentences that fit the crimes, including hangings and firing squads. WE the People demand accountability and justice, and WE the People will get that—one way or another.

This site came to be for the following reasons:

  • First: To catalogue the afore-mentioned proof and make the following statements that leave no doubt as to why We the People are fighting now:

WE are OUTRAGED about sedition and treason,

The bottom line is there are multiple EXISTENTIAL THREATS to OUR way of life, with Election Fraud at the top of the list that includes the New World Order, Financial Collapse, Communist and Islamist infiltration everywhere, China, and the dismantling of OUR 1st Amendment rights, which threatens all others. 

  • The second reason for this site is that the People’s Business—what MUST be done to right Our ship—must be stated succinctly. Again, Election Integrity, starting with decertifying 2020, tops the list because without that, nothing else can be accomplished. Next is exposing and prosecuting the global child sex trafficking crimes against humanity

The ranking for other items on Our To-Do list is open for debate. My personal choice for number 3 is getting legislation passed that state that any Bill submitted in Congress that governs US is limited to the number of words in Our Constitution, which fill 20 single-spaced pages.

Other priorities include term limits, universal concealed carry, and a consumption tax, such as the FairTax, which frees us from the taxes that shackle us, can and should be debated.

The critical nature of that last item cannot be underestimated because it’s something that can deliver a crippling blow to the entire Deep State. There’s a reason why the 3 richest counties in America are suburbs of D.C., and it’s a direct result of lobbyists and venal politicians increasing the Federal budget geometrically, gaming the 70,000-page Tax Code, and then raping Our Treasury and retiring as multi-millionaires, while leaving relative crumbs for legitimate expenditures. Peter Schweitzer’s books about this, such as Throw Them All Out, make me want to throw up.

  • The third reason for founding this site is that those scores of patriots fighting for We the People do so in unconnected niches. Their efforts overlap at times, and they struggle to be heard, to be financed, and to grow. This catch-all site helps them, and helps those who are honestly trying to sort things out, and to learn as much as possible, as fast as possible
  • Last but not least, millions of Patriots who have been on the sidelines are seeking ways they can get involved in the movement to save America. The suggestions in the What YOU can Do section range from the simplest: prayer, educating yourself, and contributing to a favorite cause; to the more active: deleting social media accounts and switching to Free Speech alternatives, spreading the word in your circles, speaking up when verbal effluent is spouted by someone in the woke crowd, and attending school board and town council meetings; to the more involved: filling a long-vacant Voting Precinct Delegate position—there are 15,000 of those in Michigan alone—or starting a local group that promotes America First principles, or filing a lawsuit against Government wrong-doing in your community; all the way up to an all-in commitment such as running for office. There are dozens of additional suggestions here, and a few links to terrific places that were founded to help People get started.

The bottom line here is what Captain Seth Keshel—a selfless hero fighting the Election Fraud battle all over the U.S., who can be followed at Telegram—says: If not you, who?

  • This site will give you all of the ammo you need to shoot down leftist propaganda and bogus science, and all of the information you need to subsidize what you already know, and everything you need to awaken those who are still asleep as to what is really going on.
  • And what is really going on?

100 years ago the Communists made it plain as day what they planned: Take over America. The ACLU—yes, the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union—had an original charter that stated their purpose was “the spread of Communism in the United States.” Psychopathic Leftists are like that, telling everyone exactly what they intend to do. Just check out Hitler’s Mein Kampf, or the UN Agendas 21 and 30, or the Georgia Guide Stones, or the various movements to depopulate the Earth to so-called sustainable levels.

Search Bing, Brave, or maybe even Duckduckgo, and watch Bill Gates talking about using vaccines to cull the herd, or the Rothschild/Rockefeller clan smugly doing likewise. They go blithely on, not knowing how many of us have seen the math on the internet that enlightens us to the fact that every single human being on our planet—that’s 7 billion souls—could stand or sit in Texas and have 1,000 Sq ft of space to each of his or her own. Yup. I did the numbers myself. So this talking point is just another Globalist fear-mongering sham that just won’t die, thanks to mainstream and Big Tech media, meant to divide Us. And America is indeed divided: between real Americans, and what I call CINOs—Citizens in Name Only. They don’t believe in border walls or legal immigration. They believe in sanctuary cities and defunding the police and open borders and infanticide.  

They believe in riots, arson, and looting, in Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project, in forced redistribution of income, and in subversion of the first and second amendments and much of the rest of the Constitution. That isn’t America. The fact that they insist on the acceptance of their policies as “the new normal” reveals just how un-American they are.

  • Our Flag defines what America is all about, which is why millions gave their lives to defend it, and why WE are fighting now by every legal means available:

Thomas Jefferson also said that the tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. That’s what the Red stands for, along with the courage to shed one’s blood for something more precious than oneself. I believe tens of millions of US are prepared to do just that if circumstances dictate, so that WE can pass onto Our progeny what was passed on to Us. Either WE stand up now in every hamlet and town and county, or WE will be faced with a call to latter day village greens, where Our Forefathers assembled to fight for everything We the People have today.

The White represents the purity of the American idea. That doesn’t mean we hit the target all the time—no flawed human could—but it tells the world what WE always aim for.

The Blue stands for Vigilance. Jefferson also said the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Ben Franklin cautioned US that it is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins. I believe too many of US have been distracted by living Our lives, including me and a whole lot of other Boomers, which is understandable given the freedom we’ve had, but that has resulted in the situation WE are in right now. The good news is the bear has been poked, and millions who just wanted to be left alone are getting involved.

            Bigly, as Our President says. They’ve come face-to-face with the immutable truth that a government big enough to give you want is big enough to take away everything you need.

  • One administrative note before I sign off. The information here will be supplemented from time to time via Our Voice updates, but WE are in this together, so if the Spirit moves you, please feel free to make suggestions via the Contact page.
  • My fellow Americans, it’s time. Time to stand up—like those on Flight 93 did.
  • God bless you all, and God bless America.

Probably the majority of those seeing this material and this V log or log Already know most of the information presented. It is meant to document where we the people think we are but it’s also meant for anyone who is open-minded regardless of party or position or status to get their eyes opened To the fact that America is on the brink. If you know anyone like that you be doing everyone a favor by recommending this site.  There are scores of links in reference sites and organizations and books.

In 1776 the tyranny got to the point where king George wrote that colonists must provide “rooms in their own homes” to British soldiers.  You are a fool if you do not believe something similar could happen in these times.  Still ready talking about restricting airplane travel to those who have been vaccinated.  They already know Every text and email and conversation you’ve had and it’s stored in a place to be used martial people into “concentration camps”.  The corruption in government in both parties is from the top down.  The corruption in government is in both parties from the top down because people have sold their souls outright or have been blackmailed to do so….